It has been a tough week for our girl……

Max has been menacing her – well he did have the weekend alone while she was living it up in Derbyshire.

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But did he have to stare like that!

She has been very down and her elbows are sore – its just not the same lying down on a hard floor, grass is so much more cool and comfortable. Don’t get me wrong she has so many soft things to lie on – but not this week – no way – just followed me round looking morose.

I have been trying to treat her elbows but greyhounds have such thin skin that its bound to happen – anyone out there got any ideas????

Even her very favourite pastime of lying on her back while we blow raspberries on the bald bit on her belly didn’t have any effect. She has been a grumpy greyhound.

I decided that I would take her over to my partner’s house yesterday – he’s away this weekend and, as he’s been so busy building my new car port as well as working full time, I had decided to go and sort his housework out so it would be nice to come back to.

Hippie was delighted to get into my car and even more so when we arrived at the house – she thought she would be seeing her friend Poppy.

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But – though she searched high and low she couldn’t find her – no wonder as she was also away for the weekend.

She did find Poppy’s toys though and took them outside into the garden for a play

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At last some action – but as you can see it was short lived. Her elbows needed the cool grass treatment.

While I worked she busied herself around the garden

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And lay down in the shade

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When I had done all I could that day I gave the now famous call……

Hip!……… Hip!!!!!!!!

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Then we got into the car and went home for a cuddle with her mum

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but as you can see Max wasn’t content with a box for long

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So he went back to menacing …..

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Here we go again!!!!!