Our local branch of the RSPCA had a fun day yesterday and as the weather was good we thought we would go along.

Both Max and Hendrix (the guinea pig) were rescued from the Woodside Animal Centre at Leicester. Max had been abandoned when he fell off a wall and broke his hind leg so badly it needed pinning from top to bottom. He was in recovery at the centre when I went to choose a new cat. He was so big and beautiful it was love at first sight! He was 18 months old then and is 7 now, very loyal and loving – a beautiful boy!


Full of love…..


And cuddles..


Hendrix was adopted after the death of Woodstock who was a huge guinea pig – he is content to sit in his cage and warble at me every time I open the fridge door – because he knows his carrots are kept in there.

Obviously we could not take either of them to the fun day so we took Hippie. She was delighted to get in the car and walked through the centre gates with her head held high.

But it was not to last – she got quite worried by the enormous amount of dogs walking round the event with their owners and when we tried to take her into the kennels to take a look at the dogs for adoption, she froze and would not go in. just stood at the door panicking.

I thought at first it was the noise of all the dogs barking that scared her but then I realised – it was the memory of her life before – living in a disinfected kennel with other greyhounds and the only fun bit was feeding time or seeing if she could run fast enough. She spent her first two years living in those conditions until she failed to run fast enough and fortunately for her came to live with us.

We didn’t stay long after that – just calmed her down and she lay basking on the grass while we had a drink. Then we went home.

I don’t think it occurs to me these days how difficult Hippie’s settling in period was. It was only seven months ago that this beautiful, big bundle of confusion came to live with us and her greyhound blog started.

I remain grateful to the RSPCA in Leicester but the Retired Greyhound Trust really get my vote also thanks to sites like this one for telling it how it really is.

I don’t regret one minute of it – oh and she won’t be visiting kennels again!!