I read a post by Grandad yesterday which was about the lack of interesting blogs out there. I think its quite a shame that we all put our thoughts out onto the internet only to read that it is not interesting to some – even though it may be to others – confidence knocking stuff maybe? Who knows?
I started writing on a review website many years ago and was paid for my thoughts on films, books, shampoos, shower gel, electrical items etc. There was also a place on this site for free writing – obviously unpaid but it was possible to build up a network of ‘virtual friends’ by reading and commenting on each others free writing. I enjoyed this for a while but became aware that some of the members would join together to get people to leave, not for any reason other than they thought it was fun. I left – although all my reviews still sit there and I still get comments and payments from them.
My first blogsite was much the same – a mixture of reviews, poems, life, and the universe but I really could see that it didn’t work (for me) like that and began to change.
I still have that site and will use it for reviews because I feel they have no place here unless its because they have historical interest 🙂
The two sites that I show my real face on are the ones you already know, this one and the one for our girl. The dog one is about Hippie and little else, it has its own little following of other greyhound owners and I find their interest very comforting when there is a problem with the dog, as much as I find their giggles wonderful when I blog about the silly things she does.
This site is for my rants and rambles about the world in all its glory plus little snippets of fun and the occasional meme (I’m still trying to get my head around those).
My review site remains the same but needs modernising a little – a project for the future, and the last one is purely for my diary on a medical condition I have with my hands and arms – it gets a lot of ‘hits’ – a lot of people suffer from this.
I think to some extent I have separated the sites on purpose to avoid boring some and entertaining others all on one site, but also because I know when I go through my reader there are always posts there that I cannot relate to in any way, they are techie and over my head, or political and I’m not one for politics. I may read them but they leave me cold and I have nothing to say.
So, to finish, I agree with my bewhiskered friend that there maybe no good blogs out there but maybe that is because the community put them off, or they ran out of things to say, or they tried to mix their content unsuccessfully.
Whatever the reason I believe that we are still in the early days (realistically) of weblogs and like all things they will grow, outlive their usefulness and die – to be replaced by a newer shinier model.
Its just another whirl on life’s carousel!
I dread to think who reads my drivel!!! My Skillett.com blog tends to be a mish-mash of technical, rants, blogging and humour (that’s what I call it at least!).
I have other blogs but they’ve fallen to the wayside recently (as we discussed at the weekend – remind me to talk to you about that on holiday!)
Find yourself some themes and I’ll get them installed for you on your various blogs…
As for shiny new weblogs? I want one, I want one! Although WordPress 2.7 is looking kind of shiny at the minute!! 🙂
Keiron´s last blog post..I?m still here!
I find it really fascinating that just one reference to Grandad brings the Ancestry ad winging to my post!
LOL! He isn’t related is he?!!??!
Keiron´s last blog post..I?m still here!
not that I know to – best ask your Auntie May next time you go home!
Be fair! I didn’t say all blogs are bad, just that standards seem to be dropping. Actually the quiet,
contempcontemplitthoughtful ones are often the best. How did I know you had posted this? Because you are in my reader.Please leave Auntie May out of this. She’s not talking to me since the incident with the whiskey.
Grandad´s last blog post..Side effects
Methinks I need a serious chat with Auntie May when I’m over there in February – about Whiskey!?!?
Keiron´s last blog post..Drunken Emailing!
I don’t think you should mention it you know she’s taken the pledge!
@ Grandad I’m not sure if I’m there with my low standards or because I’m quiet and thoughtful now!!! I’m perplexed!
She wasn’t the one drinking the whiskey! The less said the better.
Kate – I’ll let you decide….
Grandad´s last blog post..Side effects
I think its neither – just the music loving hippy – we’re a dying breed!!
Keep taking the tablets!!
No-one can like all blogs all the time – no, not even the ones we have in our readers! That would be asking a lot of humanity!
And I think we also may enjoy some blogs for a while and then either get bored with them, or grow out of them and cease reading.
As for what we ourselves write, well, that’s for us to decided individually, isn’t it? I’m not sure of the best way to judge a blog, because I think there are many different reasons to write. Some (like me) write for the writing practice and the challenge, and because we enjoy entertaining people. Some write to educate people, and others write to stir up thought or action. Some write as a showcase for other talents like quilting, painting, or photography. Some use their blogs as a personal diary.
And apparently, some write to expose the whiskey-drinking exploits of their friends and relatives! LOL!
I’m not sure what I’d call mine, a mental dumping ground maybe?
I definitely don’t write to expose the drinking exploits of friends and relatives, heck if I did people would get annoyed with the amount of posts!!! 🙂
Keiron´s last blog post..I?m still here!
I think what we really are looking at here is something that has died in our society – we used to have it – but now have to hide behind a facade to exercise our rights. What is it? Freedom of Speech! and Freedom of Expression. I believe in both!