I’m the first to admit I am no good at gardening – I can kill a plant without looking.

My lovely Mum was the one who loved messing around in the garden – don’t get me wrong I love to see plants growing and blooming – trouble is I either kill them with kindness or they die anyway!

The flowers on holiday were gorgeous but then all tropical flowers are lovely, vibrant colours and surviving with very little care.

There was one plant out there that grew almost wild – the flowers looked like Livingstone Daisies – opening up in the hot sunshine and showing all different bright colours.

In the very vain hope of getting a piece of this succulent to root I took a stalk off it and brought it home.

It was quite a small piece and with advice off the internet I broke it into smaller pieces and planted it in a pot…

green fingers uno

It looked kind of dead when I planted it but I followed my instructions and only gave it water once a week to encourage root growth….


One of the pieces started to show signs of life,

green fingers dos


I was amazed but even more amazed when two days later,

greenfingers tres

Wow hasn’t it grown?

But then after another two days..

green fingers cuatro

It’s going mad!

And this morning here it is…

green fingers cinco

By the looks of things I am growing my own green fingers!!!!