Yesterday I did my shopping, online as usual ? after all why would I want to drive to Tesco and fight my way through the crowds of shoppers to fill a trolley with heavy dog and cat food tins plus the occasional item for me ? only to reach the checkout and unload it all onto a conveyor, just to load it all up again at the end. Not only that ? after the drive home I have the unloading and finding cupboard space for it all?? no- it is not for me?.

I ordered all my items on the Tesco website ? it took half an hour from login to checkout and it will arrive at around 11.45 this morning.

Then I made pies?? Sunday dinner pies ? roast beef with all the trimmings under a shortcrust pastry top.

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One for my uncle and his wife ? he will soon be 94 and still enjoys a pie?.. one for me and some friends who were coming over for dinner yesterday?..

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a nice big one so nobody was left hungry??

And, one for the freezer ? for an evening when I want an easy dinner?

Much better than shopping –  what do you think?

Oh and on the subject of pies ? look at this one that my daughter in law and i made when I went to visit?..

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Cornish Pasty pie ? it was yummy!!!