This would normally be one for my dog blog but maybe my readers hereย  can help us find a solution.

Our three year old greyhound suffers from separation anxiety, so much so that if we leave her loose in the house for any length of time she destroys things….. lots of things…. things like carpets and shoes etc.

She has an indoor kennel which she loves (thank goodness) , it looks like a play pen with her duvet and stuffed toys delicately placed (by her) inside. Normally we can shut her in her kennel with a radio on for short periods during the day.

During the heat wave last week we decided to move her kennel outside into the carport, so that she could have the run of the garden but still have the safety of her playpen if she chose.

Hippie was only left for an hour and the neighbours were complaining because of the howling and barking, add to that she had destroyed anything she could find out there and, worse than that, she was distressed…

So, we have had to bring everything back indoors and still have the problem… she only does this (I am told) because she loves us and wants to find us …..

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Has anyone got any more ideas on how to help her?

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