Alfie met Hippie the other day ? Hippie is a big wimp since she was beaten up by another Greyhound so I did wonder how it would go as Alfie can be very excitable!!
It started well ? Hipppie?s hackles were up and she was very nervous ? but I kept giving her chicken when she was calm around Alfie, and things started to get better.
Of course Hippie could see the chicken on the worktop ? little Alfie was oblivious!!
He had his blue bone!
They went outside for a play and I was pleasantly surprised at how well they got along.
Then Hippie rushed for her place on the settee ? I had delusions of keeping Alfie off that particular piece of furniture but I had no chance on this day.
His new best friend was lying there and he wanted to join her..
Hippie just ignored him?.. but Alfie needed a snuggle?
In fact he likes all sorts of snuggles..
In his 40 winks bed..
Any patch of sunlight?.
Can you see him?
Ah ? there he is..
Then a quick roustabout in a box?
Before my daughter came round after work! And then the best snuggle for Alfie?
My daughter loves to cuddle him ? says you can?t do this with Hippie ?. well you could but she?d crush you!
Aren?t kids wonderful?? When they?re asleep!!!!
Ahh! How can anyone not love such a happy little chappy?! Won’t be long before Max too is cuddled up next to him. Probably pinch his bed entirely. Cats are good at that.
Cuteness! He’s adorably greyhoundlike. I like that in a dog!! x
Geri – we’ll wait and see – its slow going and Maxie is a little devil sometimes – fingers crossed x
English Mum – I know, I know he’s not a greyhound but all the characteristics are the same – he’s just easier to cope with…… maybe?
He’s settling in well. Looks like he’s already discovered all the most comfortable spots….
I love the pic of hippie she is saying ‘if I don’t look at him, he is not really there!’ 😀
Well at least Hippy’s ignoring him and not feeling too threatened. He’s cute as a button. So sweet.
Looks like the lil one is settling in well, hes so cute, looks like he loves a good loooong cuddle to me.
Awww what lovely photos.
Nick – oh yes – the trouble is he thinks he owns the place already!
Taffy’s Mum – they have spent the day together today and Hippie has learned to be ‘top dog’!! At least I hope so!
Baino – yep – one handsome lad and oh boy does he know it!!!
Connor – Hola my wonderful nephew!!! Well you should make plans and come and give that cuddle in person….. Alfie is waiting!
Val – They look so calm don’t they – its mayhem really!!!